Grain Bags

We are the suppliers of Australian Made Grain Bag filling and emptying machines as well as the Easyloader for filling Grain Bags direct from a truck.

Storing your grain in bags during a busy harvest is a great alternative to silo storage and or freight. On-farm storage is also a cost-effective and affordable alternative during harvest, providing growers with the option of being self-sustaining, taking advantage of market changes, as well as having unlimited storage and maximising general harvest efficiency.

Advantages of storing in Grain Bags

  • Low cost per tonne of stored grain
  • Allows you to segregate different grains and quality for commercial identity
  • The capacity of the on-farm storage is remarkably increased which enables you to increase efficiency and capacity of harvesting
  • Easy sampling of grains stored
  • Avoiding high priced freight, long turn-around times and availability of trucks during harvest

Grain Bag Manufacture

Grain bags are manufactured from polyethylene through a 3-layer co-extrusion process, each layer with different and specific properties. These layers are melted, thus producing a single uniform film. Additives such as titanium dioxide and UV stabilizers are added to the white (external) layer and a high concentration of carbon black is added to the black (internal) layer.

This process provides the following important properties

  • Mechanical resistance: e.g. Perforation resistance
  • Thermal resistance
  • Good stretching
  • Internal temperature stability
  • Impermeability
  • Reflection of solar rays
  • Durability
  • Flexibility
  • Softness
  • Internal opacity to block out the sunlight

At Heard’s Hire we offer Harwell Grain Bags, a 3-layer bag available in 60 and 75 metre lengths (90 metres available upon request).

All grain bagging equipment available for hire and sale.